Karuna Meda
How Does Stress Affect the Body?
Combining biological and psychological expertise to explore the physical impacts of chronic stress and trauma.
How Can We Harness New Applications of Art Therapy?
Researching ways to achieve better health outcomes and self-awareness.
Reimagining Immunity in the Eye
Immune cells could be doing much more than we think in protecting our eyes – Jefferson researchers uncover new details.
Can the Benefits of Cannabis Overcome Political Barriers to its Legalization?
Dr. Jennie Ryan studies how public policy on cannabis can affect public health and health outcomes.
How Can Microbubble Contrast Agents Improve Ultrasound Imaging?
Learning how a flexible, inexpensive and non-invasive tool can be used to diagnose and stage common diseases from cancer to heart attack.
How to Cope With Pandemic Burnout
Prolonged uncertainty and cumulative trauma are leaving many fatigued and stressed. Here are some tips from mental health experts for accepting change, managing anxiety and mental fog.
What Are Vital Components of Effective Counseling for Substance-Abuse Patients?
Examining addiction’s impact on family members and the importance of cultural humility.
How Can Researchers Address Psychosocial Needs That Arise During Care Transitions?
Advocating for vulnerable populations to improve the care experience and health outcomes.
How Can Occupational Therapy Help Children with Autism?
Using sensory integration therapy tools can help patients and families live more successful and satisfying lives.
Separating Fact from Fantasy
Law and society program director explores the significance of conspiracy theories – and Senator Arlen Specter
Are Cannabinoids Useful in Treating Pain from Nerve Damage?
Combating misconceptions and investigating the benefits of cannabis in treating disease.