Science and Technology

A Margin of Error
College of Nursing assistant professor Karen Alexander, PhD, RN, talks candidly and bravely about her unconscious bias that crept into the care she had once provided as a nurse.
How Can Researchers Contribute to Designing Cities That Will Be Efficient, Healthy and Resilient?
Designing the future of sustainable architecture today.
Communicating Information about COVID-19 Using ‘Entertainment-Education’
Researcher and student team up to explore a strategy that uses storytelling to creatively and effectively communicate about health issues.
A Call for Action Against Racism in Medicine
Worn from carrying the burden of fighting against racial injustice, a group of physicians pen a letter titled “Dear White People” asking colleagues and students in medicine to take up the cause of anti-racism.
How Can We Better Measure Outcomes for Patients with Spinal Cord Injury?
Developing ways for rehabilitation providers to track and evaluate patients’ gain in function.
Top Jefferson Moments of 2020
The Nexus looks back at a year like none other.
Jefferson’s Health Design Lab Teams Up With UArts to Study ER Burnout
Amid COVID the pandemic, more than 70 percent of emergency physicians say they’ve experienced the sort of fatigue which can lead to exhaustion and stress.
How to Keep Strong While Recovering from COVID-19 at Home
COVID-19 patients can lose muscle mass quickly while staying in bed. Experts demonstrate safe and effective ways to keep muscles and joints flexible and strong throughout recovery.
Our Year in Mental Health
In this collection of stories, The Nexus reflects on how the Jefferson community has come together to cope with the public health crises that upended 2020.
Is “Both-Sides” Journalism Truly Unbiased?
Traditional journalism leaves many stories untold, or incomplete. Researchers investigate alternative models of journalism that aim for inclusivity and combat a legacy of racism in the media.
Shedding Light on the Experiences Transgender and Non-Binary Patients Face in the Doctor’s Office
Amplifying Voices: A collaborative research team works with the transgender community to gather perspectives on barriers to care, unique health needs, and discrimination.